Best Amp for Klipsch La Scala Speakers? Xmas Gift

Trying to buy a Christmas Gift. Help ASAP!

I just bought a pair of Klipsch La Scala speakers. What would be the best amp or best integrated tube amp for those speakers for $2,000.00 or less.

Room Details:
* 25'x60' wood floor with area rug
* 3/4" plywood walls
* Suspended cieling
* Most would consider this a "Live" room

Type of Music
* Classical, Instrumental
* Broadway Tunes
Cool. Not sure what you know about the La Scala but they are very efficient, which means you dont need alot of power to drive them. I used an NAD integrated with mine, with very good results. However, if you want something better, and the La Scala's can definately make good use of better electronics, I think a tube amp would be best. Try an integrated amp from Jolida. Or if you want to stay with SS perhaps Creek or Musical Fidility would be a nice match. But I still say go with tubes!
Definitely a tube amp. It could even be an SET. One classic combo is with McIntosh amps; I drive my Cornwalls with a PrimaLuna integrated.
I ran La Scalas with 300b SET amps with great effect. Very lush, beautiful midrange while still being very dynamic. I was using Quicksilver 300B's, but I can't suggest to you which amp to use. For a tighter presentation all around, I would suggest an EL84 integrated. Rebuilt vintage would be good, or a Leben CS300 type amplifier.
Eico HF-81, Scott 222 or 299 series, Stomberg-Carlson ASR-433, or if you just hit the lottery, Brook 12A series as it was what Paul Klipsch preferred.
As others have indicated, you can use almost any amp to power a K-horn. The classic audiophile pairing is either a 300b, 2A3 or (if you are more adventurous) a 645 SET amp. Personally, I prefer EL84 but different strokes.

I would suggest that you look at the little Almarro A205A and the Decware Zen Triode amplifiers. Both are excellent and highly recommended. The Decware amp is also made in the good ol' U.S.A.

Another way to go would be the First Watt F3. It's a SS JFET amp, 15W at 8 ohms. The K-horn can demonstrate flabby bass w/ some tubes (300b). This little amp will provide deep, taut bass that the speaker is capable of but seldom delivers. A friend of mine uses this setup in his den, and it's probably the best sounding pair of Klipsch speakers I have ever heard.