What speakers match my system? $3,000 Budget

I've been looking at PSB Imagine T2's and remain open to new products, but I think for speakers it may be a better investment to find something used and not impossible to find.

I have a budget of around $2,000-$3000, and if it makes any difference I will likely transition to vinyl in the near future.

The current setup:

MacBook (FLAC 24/96) or airport ---> Monarchy DIP Upsampler --> Emotiva XDA-1 DAC ---> AES AE-3 pre ---> Mcintosh MC2125 amp --> Klipsch RP-5's

All comments and suggestions are welcome!
I would recommend a you demo a pair of kef r700 if possible. Check the reveiw on soundstage.com on r500 he is dead on in his reveiw. You can also see his comments. On audio asylum on r900 type in kef r900 in search . Good luck.
Triangle 30th Anniversary Comete or Antal
Limited Edition Loudspeakers.
I have the Antal, which replaced the Celius ESW. I tried to upgrade twice prior to going with the Antals, and each time I kept the Celius ESW.
Golden Ear has a highly rated Tower in your price range, and if you have the room its hard to beat the 1.7 Maggie for $1995.00. You can check out the Triangle(s) at audiowaveshifi.com
Hope this helps. Theres a lot of great speakers out there
since your looking at the PSB's you should be able to find the Synchrony one for $3,500.00. in the used market. These are probably the best of the litter here. I auditioned some locally and was really impressed but at same time they were being driven by 12K Cary tube monoblocks and very expensive everything else; the reviews are promising though

Hope this helps
Don't give up on me, I will try to call on Sunday, But most likely it will be Monday. In the mean time I will try to find a couple of speakers that were revieved in Stereophile and AS, that may be something you want to look at. As far as the Triangle speakers go, It's going to be hard to find any in your area to audition. There is some discussion on Steve Hoffmans W/site. Sam Tellig Rated the Commetts Class "B". Theres an exceptional review that a British Mag did, you can find it on audiowaveshifi.com
I will phone, first chance I get. Also Reference 3A makes a highly regarded speaker, you may want to check out there line.

I have listed some other speakers that would probably be worth your time reviewing their web site(s) and going from there.

Sonest Concerto 3 (or other in there line) (Stereophile Review)

Atlantic Technology AT-1 (Stereophile Review)

Triangle Esprit 30th Anniversary Edition Antal (Hi-Fi World review)

Reference 3A, Episode or MM DeCapo (or others in there line) I have seen the Grand Veena sell for around $4,000.00. ItÂ’s a whole lot of speaker but with a sensitivity of around 91db

Nola Contender and Boxer

Also Merlin makes a two way stand mounted speaker that is highly regarded (Cant think of the Modle designator

Al of these are in your price range.