Tube Monoblocks in the 5-7K Range

Looking at purchasing a new pair of tube monoblocks to drive a pair of 90 db hybrid electrostatics that I'm now purchasing and would love some recommendations. I've got my eyes on either the Carver Cherry 180's or the Primaluna DiaLogue Sevens, so if anyone has compared these two it would be appreciated, and I am open to other suggestions.

I listen to a variety of music, tending towards a lot of classical string music(20th Century British) and modern electro-acoustic stuff on my digital front end, but tend towards singer/songwriter, female jazz vocals and classic 70's rock on my TT. I am basically a midrange person, but am attracted to the PrimaLuna because of the ability to switch from triode to ultralinear on the fly.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts
I am not sure I would call Rogue SS sounding. Not my Stereo 90 at least. Where I find the Rogue does have characteristics similar to SS amps is in its bass extension, which is excellent.
" I read the stereophile review of the Rogues and the only thing that gave me pause was the fact that the reviewer says he could have sworn it was a ss amp. That's also my concern with the Carver."

I've heard the Rogue's and there is no mistaking their sound as SS. Warm, lush, 3D imaging; listen for yourself. Tube rolling plays a major roll in the Rogue sound. As for the Carvers, I have not heard them, but the user reviews are all outstanding.
I have my eye on the Carver's, too. Never heard (or the Rogue) 'em but I'm tempted nonetheless. The smaller, stereo amp--Black Beauty 20, I think--is supposed to be astonishing at its price and remarkably powerful for its rating. The Cherry 180s should be that much better. I hear the price is jumping $600 on Jan 1, to $7,990, FWIW.
Quicksilver silver 88. The V4 were too warm for my taste, but matching is the key. Jallen
Rogue also has the triode/ultralinear switching on the fly.

And if you look closely at the Stereophile review, it is suggesting that the Rogue has "the control" of a SS amp. Better control than a Pass amp? High praise in my book:

"The biggest difference was in the amps' control of the low bass, especially in rock and pop. The Rogue M-180's control of low-bass notes was exemplary, with great speed and heft, and the Pass XA30.5 simply could not complete in this regard. Through the Pass, the leading edges of bass notes were rounded, each note hanging over a bit too long."

Between triode mode and the ability to roll tubes you have some flexibility with the Rogue. And you don't have to give up some of the characteristics that are considered tubes' weak points.

But as alwasys auditioning in your system is far preferable. All about synergy with your speakers and your tastes.