Tube Monoblocks in the 5-7K Range

Looking at purchasing a new pair of tube monoblocks to drive a pair of 90 db hybrid electrostatics that I'm now purchasing and would love some recommendations. I've got my eyes on either the Carver Cherry 180's or the Primaluna DiaLogue Sevens, so if anyone has compared these two it would be appreciated, and I am open to other suggestions.

I listen to a variety of music, tending towards a lot of classical string music(20th Century British) and modern electro-acoustic stuff on my digital front end, but tend towards singer/songwriter, female jazz vocals and classic 70's rock on my TT. I am basically a midrange person, but am attracted to the PrimaLuna because of the ability to switch from triode to ultralinear on the fly.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts
Pathos InPower monoblocks. Hybrids. Pure Classs A. Tube sound with excellent bass control.
The combination of ESLs and OTLs has been considered the match made in heaven since the 1950s.

Getting rid of one of the matching transformers does make things more transparent. Plus you have the additional advantage of the OTL making better more extended bass as it not affected so much by the impedance peak in the bass.

IME 60 watts ought to suit nicely- that is to say, that is what most of our customers use.
Scotlynn- You can't go too wrong with Quicksilver. If you need a little warmth for those stats, the V-4 has it. I have heard the newer Siver 88's are a bit more neutral. I am sure they are great as well. Maybe pick up the V-4's used for around 3K, and allocate the rest toward other parts of your setup. Just a thought. I went from the V-4's to a much more expensive tube amp at one point. It was from a highly regarded tube manufacturer. They were no more enjoyable than the Quickies, and are long gone. That's putting it nicely...!
Well if you are so inclined I have the Boss of Bosses.A pair of Coincident Dragon 211PP's rated at 75 wpc Class A.
For more information on these wonderful amps take a moment and peruse Arthur Salvatores' website.
I will be posting them in the new year.