Best Tube Amp/Preamp combination with Quad 2805s

Recently upgraded my Thiel 1.6 paired with Krell KAV-400xi integrated amp for a pair of Quad 2805s. Told that the Krell pairing probably won't bring out the best in the Quads. Looking at PrimaLuna Dialogue 3 preamp and Dialogue 7 mono amps. Also advised to look at an Audio Research combination of pre-owned LS17 preamp with pre-owned VS115 amp.
The price combination for the PrimaLuna and pre-owned Audio Research actually comes out pretty comparable. I love jazz, jazz vocals, and classical music. I really want to find a combination in the $6k-$10k range that gives me the closest approach to that "live" performance. I love a big, natural soundstage, front to back and side to side. I just don't want something too analytical with the Quads that becomes fatiguing to listen to.
Any thoughts out there between the PrimaLuna versus Audio Research sound? Any other classic pairings to look at for my price range?
The Modwright is on the Voltage Paradigm. So on the Quads it will not make the bass that the speaker is capable of. You will have far better luck with the VAC.
After some extensive research, my thoughts are two of the best options out there for the Quads are: 1) Atma-sphere M40 MkIII.2 mono amps/M3a
pre-amp (with Zero-autoformers); and 2) VAC Sigma 160i integrated amp.
Any thoughts out there between these two options if you had to pick for your system? Strengths, weaknesses?
I assume you mean M60s, not M40.

Loved my Atma when I had appropriate speakers. But no experience with the VAC.
Well, *I* prefer our amps, so you will have to take my preference with a grain of salt.
I know that Quads have a reputation for getting along well with lower powered amps but if your 2805s are anything like my 989s, you might want to consider a little more power than 35 or 40 watts. This is just my 2¢ naturally but I've used both a c-j Premier 11A and a Premier 140, and as good as the 70 wpc 11A sounds with the 989s, the 140wpc of the Premier 140 takes the sound to an entirely new level in terms of clarity and dynamics. The sound stage, which was excellent with the 11A, solidifies, is better layered and expands with the higher powered amp.

As I said, just my 2¢.

Good luck with whatever you decide upon, the 2805s are supposed to be one sweet set of speakers.