Best Integrated Amplifier for B&W 685

Trying to piece together a beginner audio system. Starting with a pair of B&W 685's. I've heard they need a lot of power to get the most out of them.

How would an Outlaw RR2150 work with them? I'm leaning toward the Outlaw at the moment due to it's built in phono preamp, bass management, and high power output. I'm open to suggestions for other amps in the same price range, though. Thanks!
I agree with Mental. I used to haveB&W DM602's and CM7's and tried them with top of the line Rotel separates and It was the worst pairing I've ever heard. Very fatiguing.
I don't know that the OP is even paying attention any longer, but I've had the 685s. They are good speakers with a signature sound. In my system I found them a bit too bright and even edgy sometimes. The mid range was also not as full as I would have liked.

I have to admit that I didn't try much to "tune" the sound as they turned out to be a bit too physically big for my application. For reference, I was running a Sonos unit playing 16/44 files from an NAS through an NAD C162 pre, Emotiva XDA-1 DAC and Aragon 2004 amp. Wiring was all Blue Jeans. That tad bit of brightness was probably due in part to the XDA-1 DAC and perhaps the amp. I say that because NAD is usually characterized as being a bit laid back.
Dang it, I should had read the date first posted before replying. Need to go back and read what amp he decided on.