VTL Binding Post - Sources?

I have a pair of VTL MB-450 amps who's speaker binding posts have become brittle and are starting to crack. I'd like to replace the posts and thought I'd check to see if anyone knows where I might find a direct replacement part of equal or better quality? Even a part number if known.

I've called VTL but they are still checking to see if they can sell me the parts and how much they would cost. Thanks for your help.
If VTL offers use original part, if for no other reason than resale and appearance.

Barring that, the two aftermarket binding posts that I've installed and like very much are the Cardas (with and without plating) and Vampire.

Be sure you measure original posts overall length before you order any aftermarket version. Some aftermarket versions are very long to accommodate a thick chassis or a speaker cabinet.

I have not taken apart a VTL 450 but suspect the originals are quite short.

Let us know how you do with this.
PlentyPlenty of options besides OEM. VTL originals are nothing special and replacing them with any aftermarket will not drop your unit value down at all.
One thing I've never seen is cracked binding posts neither on speaker or amp. Why would they?