Replacement for KSA-50

Hi Amp Gurus,
I have a KSA-50 that is 10 years old that has blown one channel. I use it to drive Thiel 3.5. Is it worthwhile repairing the channel or buying an used amp for less than $1000. Please let me know if there are any good options that provide the same quality as KSA-50.

I agree that sending the unit to Krell is probably the way to go. I noticed an ad for Krell MDA 500s that mentioned servicing by a company in Bridgeport, CT called The Service Department, a possible alternative, though I don't have any experience with them. Do check to make sure you haven't just blown a fuse, though.

While Unsound is probably right based on his longer experience with the 3.5s, I'll note that I did use a Krell KSA 50 Mk II for my Thiel CS3s for a while (till I sold them to get Duntechs) and in my moderate sized room (20 by 18 feet) it drove the Thiels with no strain. It's a lot more powerful than its power rating would imply.

By the way, I (and I think most of people who posted) am assuming that you are talking about the original KSA 50, and not the later KSA 50s. Is that assumprion correct?
Thanks Grannyring for your suggestion! It was a fuse. I have replaced it and it is working now.

While we are talking about my set up, I have another question. I have removed the equalizer that comes with the Theil 3.5 speakers as per a suggestion in Stereophile . Sound is cleaner now, but lacks bass weight below 60Hz or so. Question to all of you is what subwoofer do you recommend to go with this speaker to add some bass weight to the music.

Thanks for all your suggestions and help,
I think your better off using the eq. The eq starts boosting at 70 Hz, not an area where most sub-woofers do their best work. If you want to use a sub, I suggest using the 40 Hz setting on the eq. I don't think the eq really causes that much compromise, and the benefits far outweigh any disadvantages (which might have more to do with preconceived prejudice?). You can insert the eq into a tape loop of your pre, if you'd like to switch it out when listening to music without any sub 70 Hz sounds, but then you'll be introducing more things into the signal path.
Thanks for your comments. I have misplaced the equalizer during a move to a new place. I have read somewhere that Thiel suggests using any other equalizer available in the market. Do you have any recommendations for the equalizer in the market for this purpose.

I'd keep an eye on e-bay. They show up from time to time there. After securing one, you might want to send it to Thiel for inspection. A bit of needed maintenance on the Theil eq's is not unheard of. Thiel tends to be very generous about doing such things. Using an off the shelf eq might work, but then you'll have many more switches in the signal path, most of which have nothing to do with your intended purpose. I think Thiel was originally suggesting that one could use some of the after market eq's such as the JP Labs Golden Flutes that were being marketed during the time that Thiel was making the 3.5's. Those can be quite difficult to find now. Before Thiel ran out of replacements eq's, I believe they were charging $600 for a replacement. Comparable quality in a cheap multi use off the rack eq would seem like a rather dubious effort in my opinion, especially considering your previously posted concerns.