Audio Research Contact.

Can anyone tell me of a way to reach a live person at Audio Research. Keying KAL in Cust. Service using the directory is useless...........he has been away from his desk for six weeks (plus) and voice mails are not answered ?? Help if you can......Thanks.
Kenny, if your post was directed to me, be assured, I'm not losing any sleep over the delay. And you don't have to convince me about how great ARC is. I'm a major booster, as most folks who follow my posts already know.

Enjoy the holidays!
Did you not know that direct talking to real people is strictly forbidden under the laws and regulations of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Taters, +1. Leonard was a wonderful representative for ARC, a true audiophile.

I have a technical question re: Ref 210s. I have 1625 hrs on the tubes. Over the past couple of the months the sound has become quite anemic and univolving. Dynamics, soundstaging, and bass response are sig reduced compared with what they normally are. I suspect it's the tubes in the 210s. Is it normal to need to replace them at 1600 hrs? I don't drive the amps hard at all. I'd like to have some reassurance that this is expected before I think about buying new tubes. Thanks for any advice you can offer.