Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter

OK I'm in the process of looking at a way to clean up my AC power. Like everything else there are tons of options. From my reading I have narrowed it down to Hydra, Bybee, and PS Audio. The PS Audio sounds nice in that it will regenerate "clean" power. I have heard people rave about the Hydra and Bybee V2 and I see they have the Stealth now.

Anyone have any experience they can share? My amps are 300B tube monoblocks. My front end is DAC and Music Server.
Hi, I agree that most line conditioners sound worse than none.I live in the country and found out that going with dedicated lines sound better in my system. I have 3, one for the power amps, one for the preamp and other analog gear, and one for the digital gear. And upgraded AC outlets make a nice improvement also. I like the not to costly 20A Hubbell's. I also agree to talk with The Cable Company about your system and what you are trying to improve sound wise. Good luck.
The Richard Gray stuff was the very worst in MY system. Those who are using this should try it without and listen...you can always put it back in.
I have had both Richard Gray and BPT at various stages of my system evolution. Both were adequate at best. Since my home system has now gotten up there in both quality and bucks, I recently searched for a viable solution. I tried a PS audio P-10 in my new office system. It cleaned up the power and did not in ANY way limit dynamics, etc. Noise floor dropped considerably.

As an experiment, I took the P-10 home and put it on one of my VAC 450 Statements. Same result - lower noise floor, cleaner power and absolutely no limitation on dynamics. I ordered 2 more P-10s for my home system and they are working great.

People who have had issues with prior PS Audio pieces were usually trying to drive an entire system with just one conditioner. That usually won't work well, as they have discovered. I have not heard of ANYONE having problems with the new P-10, especially if they are realistic in their expectations. I now have 1 feeding each amp with the other assorted components split evenly between them. The sound is considerably better as noise went from .4% THD going in to .02% THD going to my components. In addition, power fluctuation went from between 114v and 129v to a steady 120v, which is user adjustable.

Bottom line - this best, easiest, most user friendly and flexible solution I have found that both protects my system from various electrical hiccups, dramatically lowers the noise floor, yet allows me to really hear my music. My system has never sounded as resolving and open as it does now. Each p-10($5K retail) has plenty of headroom capacity so dynamics also sound great in my system. I also like the portability, giving me flexibility for years down the road, as opposed to putting something inside the wall, for example. At a glance, I can instantly get a status check of my systems electrical health. And no, I have no connection to PS Audio other than being a very satisfied customer.
I use to think the same thing about the Richard Gray that it was thin sounding. My system now is all VAC and I can tell you that the Richard Gray made a huge improvement. It takes away a slight edge or brightness in the upper mids or grain that I attribute to the AC. It also gives me way more dynamics. The key is to plug everything into the Gray including your amplifier. Oh, yes I have six dedicated 20amp 10 gauge lines on their own breaker box with its own dedicated ground. No going back for me.