Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter

OK I'm in the process of looking at a way to clean up my AC power. Like everything else there are tons of options. From my reading I have narrowed it down to Hydra, Bybee, and PS Audio. The PS Audio sounds nice in that it will regenerate "clean" power. I have heard people rave about the Hydra and Bybee V2 and I see they have the Stealth now.

Anyone have any experience they can share? My amps are 300B tube monoblocks. My front end is DAC and Music Server.
Here is a quick overview of my equipment. I removed my profile because I moved from Germany and I am just settling into a new house with a new music room.

4 dedicated 20 amp circuits + 4 Maestro outlets

Octave Jubilee preamp with outboard voltage rectifying power supply, also serves as power filter

Octave MRE 130 (140 watts) mono amps with Super Black box = super black box is high capacitance outboard power supply, serves as power filter and AC power boost for the mono amps

Aesthetix IO Signature phono amp/one power supply

Copulare amp and equipment rack stands

2 SME V arms/Benz LP S/Benz Ruby Z/Transrotor Merlo MC/Goldring MC

B&W Nautilus 800 speakers

Subs: B&W Nautilus 850 15" sealed sub-ZSU Research 15" sealed sub

Turntable: Transrotor Apollon TMD/80mm platter/3 motors/2 arm mounts/Transrotor Konstant M3 outboard motor controller
(estimated weight 120lbs)
Clearaudio MontBlanc turntable stand (250 pounds)

Silent Wire reference EU Shuko power cables/for Octave gear/220-120 volt stepup-up/down-power isolation transformer for Octave gear

AC Cables: Shunyata Anaconda - Black Mamba and assorted Neotech

Power Filter strips: Isotek(220 and 120 volt versions)

Krell SACD Standard

Nordost (preamp to phono amp), Silver Breeze (phono), Neotech copper IC's with silver WBT's, and Audioquest Sky (Krell to preamp)

I think that about does it. I will post a generic pic sometime in the future.

I have also been on the power conditioner train. I have tried Ps audio, Equi-tech, Shunyata and Audience. None of them made my system any better. It didn't sound worse just not better. I decided to put in dedicated lines and better power cords. I still can't say my system sounds better. One thing that made a huge difference was changing my pre-amp. That made my system much more Involving. I would say before you spend thousands of dollars on power conditioners look to the weakest link in you're component chain and change that. I also recommend the cable company for their loaner program.
Taters, I totally agree with your assessment. I could never understand the AC hype until I heard the Plasmatron. I had a friend who wanted to do an audition of AC tweaks and letting curiosity override skepticism I participated. We compared the PT against the Bit 20, a very credible product if one believes the press, and the difference was like a good tube preamp to a cheap ss unit. Now, not every system was as dramatic in comparisons. This system had 2 dedicated lines, TAD Reference, Ypsilon preamp Synergestic cables and has been a system as good as I have heard. Will the PT have this effect for you? I don't know. I just recommend you try to hear one and why not a Bit 20, what works for one-------
Best Wishes for the New Audio Year, Jallen
Can you please elaborate on this Plasmatron device? I have never heard of it. Where can I find out more information about this? My searches on the Internet reveal plasma cutters and other plasma related finds, nothing about isolation transformers.

I do not see Audio Magic on your endless list of losers. Put one on your digital lines and one on your amp. Jerry has minis. It's time you had a winnner.