2013 Wish List

What's on your 2013 (audio related) wish list?

Anyone done for a while?
Reduce system to simple, bare bones equipment and sell off all the rest. Recently, when someone looked at the array of equipment they said I was a 'collector', the kindest words they could come up with. So, I need to shed the label, quickly.
I want to get everything up and running.

Right now my Shelter 901 is recovering from a housekeeper accident.

The Rouge 99 preamp is in for an update.

Waiting for the new to me Michell Gyrodec to arrive.

So in 2013 it will hopefully all come together.
Well, my first wish is to sell all of my unused equipment so I can free up some cash to move forward. :)

I want to try the Coincident line stage. I really love my Promethius Signature and have been a fan of passives for years, but in all fairness I need to see what a top notch active will do in my system.

I have been wanting to start a computer audio set up for a couple years. I had planned to sent my ModWright Sony back for the digital in mod, but I am thinking about going with a new ModWright Oppo 105, which comes with the digital in capability.

I also plan on bringing in some amps to compare with my Cary 500.1's. Again, I love the cary amps, but I want to see how comparably priced amps from ModWright, Pass, Plinius, etc would compare.

I'm excited about these potential upgrades. I'm at the point where the hurdle is pretty high for swapping out components that offer more than just a marginal improvement. I fear, though, that the current economic climate is going to make resale of current components slow. However, its not like I can't live with what I have. If I'm sitting here next year planning the same activities so be it.