New Amp for Maggie MMG's

Looking to purchase a new power amp to use with my MMG's. Looking for recommendations of those with experience with maggie's. Replacing a Unison Unico integrated.
Two that work. Jolida Hybid 100 watt ,2oo at 4ohm from Underwoodwally here on A-gon about $800 works good.
New Synergy 450 from Van Alstine sounds fantastic with my MMG's about 2K.
I listened to these with several different amps. The best-- fluid, organic, warm, airy, good depth and imaging with the Marantz reference monblocks MA-9S2. Head and shoulders above McIntosh 601's & Audio Research Reference 250's. They were using Transparent Audion Opus line of IC's & Cables. The demo room was well treated.

A really good, powerful amp that is a cheaper alternative to the Marantz, McIntosh and Audio Research is the Spectron Musician III Mk2 ( $4000.00 ).

It might help if you provided a little more information about your price range, room size, typical listening volumes, what is lacking in your current amp that you wish to improve on, if you plan to upgrade to larger Maggies at some point, etc.
The AVA Synergy 450 will drive any maggy in any room short of 800 sq feet at a minimum.