Please help define above terms... And others like BASS IS TIGHT etc... Thanks
I've found that if your system sounds too briggt, dim the lights a bit. If it's too forward, move your listening chair back a foot or two. If it's transparent, earth to op, come back to reality. If the bass is tight that's a good thing, at least from what I can tell by the slang used by todays youth. Hope this helps you to better define your rig.
I think all these terms are used when describing the sound stage of your system. Music is subjective to the listener, and the type music they listen to. I prefer a more laid back sound, which to me is the opposite of forward. The word forward is considered fatiging to me, meaning I cant listen for long periods of time. I would decribe Transparency as how well your speakers presents the music, and if it appears to be coming form the speakers, or someplace between the two, where when you look at your right or left speaker you cant really tell music is coming from them. Dark is the opposite of an open soundstage, meaning you can tell where every instrument is placed on the stage. all this is subjective, and as I said earlier, this is the way I see it. What the hell do I know?
These terms are relative to ones experience. If you visit an audio shop or a friend’s house and hear their systems you will form an opinion of the sonic characteristics of that particular system and hopefully retain a sonic memory of that system. When you return home and listen to your system you will immediately notice the difference for better or worse of how your system sounds. One will most likely want to describe those differences between one system and another. I think is one way these types of terms come about. Musicians and audio engineers are very used to talking in these terms especially if you work in recording studios.

I notice a certain darkness and recessed sound quality with my speakers that is well documented by others. It is especially noticeable after returning from listening to another system. But when sitting at home listen to music these characteristics dont draw attention to themselves.
However, should there not be standard definitions for the terminology? Would you not prefer to actually communicate? God forbid that audiophiledom succumb to an absolute. Cut the elitist crap! This is why I never liked being pigeon-holed as an audiophile. Nor do I describe myself as such.
Csontos: "This is why I never liked being pigeon-holed as an audiophile. Nor do I describe myself as such."

And yet you hand around here.