Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
This is the all NEW matching interconnect to the NEW 0.3 speaker cables, this cable model has been on the market less than a year! The 0.3 w/HFX - 1.0m3.3ft

Extended Bandwidth - Interconnect

The 0.3 is a state-of-the-art analog interconnect cable using an all PTFE (Teflon) air-tube construction and a pair of helixed Rectangular Solid Core conductors. The extended Bandwidth technology is employed using a product design that has a perfect air-dielectric environment and minimal dielectric construction to extend the high-frequency bandwidth to provide a linear and uncompromising approach to the sound of the interface. A complex system of braided shielding made of pure copper and silver is used to control the RF and EMI interference. The shield is part of a specially designed Floating Shield System, where the shield floats at both ends of the interconnect cable. The floating shield is connected at the source end, to the HFX Floating Ground Station. The Floating Ground Station uses Ceralex devices internally to absorb and dissipate RF and EMI interference in the shield. This is done outside the signal path, and so the 0.3 Interconnect with an ‘out-board’ Floating Ground Station does not affect the high-frequency signal within the signal carrying conductors.

The 0.3 with the Floating Ground Station is designed for component interface of all extreme high-end audio components, but not always for electronics that have limited filtering. The sound of the 0.3 OnBoard Interconnect is tonally balanced, very linear with frequency, extended and airy in the high frequencies and very revealing.
•RCA “Torque-lock”/XLR
•All new, fine tolerance construction
•All Teflon air-dielectric spacers and center air tube
•Twin-axial design features RSC Gen 2 conductors using Aero-PE dielectric
•Anti-corrosion coated SAOF-8N copper shield
•Finely tuned frequency response ensures greater frequency linearity and phase coherency
•Very revealing of low-level ambient and spatial cues with exacting focus
•Extremely open & detailed
•Clear & precise , tonally coherent frequency spectrum
•New resonance control dielectric produces vanishingly low noise floor
Comment found on Audioshark forum

"TL Grand Master Evolution ultra high end cables
Okay guys. Non-believers in the cable side of this hobby please hit the back button immediately. Last week I received Tara labs new grandmaster evolution speaker cables and interconnects. These cables are definitely at a price point that only a handful of people would consider. Just a little over 100 K for a 3 m set of speaker cables and a one and a half meter interconnect and a 1 m interconnect….

The only thing I will say is wow. Out of respect for my other cable manufactures i do not want to go into much detail at this time …..

I know this is a truly crazy amount of money for cables. But could the performance increase possibly be justified? For the people that can afford it I will say a very big yes.
Comments from Whatsbest forum,,, Having listened to them for about 50 hours I can say the following: the grandmaster evolution cables are by far the best loudspeaker and ic cables I have ever heard. These cables sound on the one hand very calm/serene but are on the other hand the most dynamic cables I have ever experienced. Furthermore they are very refined (velvet) sounding with a huge soundstage (deep as well as wide) but at the same time with a focus that exceeds easily all other cables that I am familiar with. Probably as a consequence of the great extension of the grandmaster evolution cables they also give you the impression that the soundstage is larger in height without making the players and instruments larger than they are. For example, the distance in height between various players in a large orchestra can be noted easily. Talking about an inky black background and transparency: the grandmaster evolution excels in this regard.
A few word's by me about the Tara Lab's Grandmaster Evolution speaker cable's, although they are 000 awg speaker cable's, there is no bass bloat, no exagerated bass at all, these speaker cable's reveal the full potential of world class state of the art componet's and speakers in every way possible, most of us would only need the new Omega Evolution cable's or the original Omega Gold speaker cable's that I have, is there a substantial difference, sure there is!, however, in the real world of what we can afford, all three model's of speaker cable's are world class cable's, all this depends on what one can afford, and system matching of course, cheers.
also I will add, to my finding's, interconnect's can give a system deeper bass, articulate, very clean, hard hitting slam with Tara labs the further you move up the cable food chain, this caught me by surprise when I had this exsperience, I knew speaker cables would do this, interconnect?, well they do in a big way, along with of course the complete top to bottom resolution and exotic sound stage presataion, happy listening.
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