Mark Levinson with Vandersteens?

Hey all, hoping you can help me find a great SS match for Vandersteen Treos.

I have heard them with the Ayre V-5xe and was impressed but not blown away. A friend suggested the ML 532H would have more weight and body while retaining the definition.

Music = everything from Miles to Massive Attack but almost no classical.

System = hi-res files thru a Bel Canto 2.5 DAC/preamp direct into amp in a room 20w x 16d x 10h.

Thanks in advance.
Wenn you look at the most important parts in highend audio. 3d holographic sound, sharp individual focus and a sound to die for Pass labs is so much more talented than ML ever will be.
Thanks all for your advice and input.

Settled on a demo Modwright KWA 100SE, which I had no real knowledge of at the time I originally posted.

I was concerned about the 100w being enough to drive the Treos, but after talking to Dan at ModWright, I pulled the trigger. The results so far have been spectacular in all the right ways, especially resolution, sound stage, bass articulation.

Thanks again.
Take a look at Belles. I've heard Belles 350A Reference amp hooked up to Vandersteen 3A Signatures and they sounded great. I have the Belles amp in my system but not the Vandersteens. It's reliable as hell and has a high damping factor which will control bass drivers to give nice deep bass. There are other Belles amps to consider but the 350 or 150 series won't cost an arm and a leg. The Belles amp isnt the hard cold clinical solid state type at all but it is a little dry sounding. I ameliorate the dryness by using a tubed preamp and tubes phono amp.