can a new amp amp tame my speakers?

Just spent some time listening to what I've been planning to upgrade to for main speakers. PSB Synchronys. The Imagine T2's are close, but slightly veiled in comparison. My current, but old, Infinity Kappa 7's really don't give much away to the PSB's. My amp is an old Yamaha MX2, 125wpc, and I've heard them described as bright or harsh, and that's the only complaint I really have with the sound now. Can a well-chosen amp tame the highs on the Kappa'a, which use a ribbon-style tweeter? Or is the 'taming' I seek only going to happen with a speaker upgrade. I honestly don't mind upgrading the speakers, and fully expected to, but after today's auditioning, I'm wondering if I'm going to get that much benefit from that level of investment. $3500+ is a healthy chunk of coin for benefits of slimmer profile and tamed highs. In terms of imaging, weight, and bass, the Kappa's are equal, imo. The system is also the theater, but the avr can power the surrounds, so an amp upgrade could be 2 channel. A power boost is a must too, as the current 125wpc isn't enough for when wifey's not home and the volume gets wound up ;)
Deb, I'm definitely enjoying myself! I was in the biz 25 years ago, but had to give up my 'crack habit' as I call it. Now I'm able to start again, building on what I had. The Odyssey amp I just got is my first 'real' piece of good gear, and I'm blown away by the leap up from my old Yammy amp. My Infinity Kappa's have NEVER sounded so good. So I'm happy, except for that overly-bright top end that still rears it's head when I get heavy handed on the volume. Don't get me wrong, it's HUGELY reduced compared to the old amp, and the bass extension and output is an added benefit I didn't expect. So I'm enjoying myself, just researching ways to squeeze that little out of what I have.. ;)
Have you thought about rebuilding the crossovers on your speakers? That can make a huge change in to sound.
You may want to try a pair of Spatial Computers Velocity Bridge 1 (VB1). They are a new product with a new approach for reducing RF/EMI noise and speaker driver/cable impedance leveling. My experience with them has been so positive. I'll go as far to say they have been transformative in my system. They are only $200 for the pair!