market value of my gears

I possess the following amps and start thinking of selling them out. All of them in mint and original conditions. Just want to know their estimated market value at this moment.

A pair of Marantz 9 (Not reissue)
A Marantz 8b
A pair of McIntosh MC3500
A McIntosh 225
A McIntosh 240
A pair of Jadis JA200
A pair of Jadis SE300B

Thanks a lot.
Since this is your first post, we need your country of origin and the voltage of the equipment. If you happen to be located in Nigeria, were you able to get assistance with that $15 million bank account you offered me half of a while back? What is the condition of the equipment, I'm sure it is perfect, maybe in factory sealed cartons? With zero feedback, I can't wait to see these listings pop up, you probably even have a terrific excuse as to how all of this equipment was inherited by you after the unfortunate coup that befell the royal family of (insert 3rd world country of your choice) which also explains why you need our assistance to liberate those millions in US or Swiss accounts. Best wishes with that. Ok, sorry for the sarcasm.

Since you are brand new here, you need to sign up for blue book access on Audiogon to have access to the most recent sales data and pricing trends.
Ignore 'blue book', not reliable and most of the time low ball pricing. Now for the comment on Nigeria. I buy all my equipment there. Never have had a problem, as long as you believe in virtual equipment.
Anyone who has acquired an exotic collection of ampilfiers such as this. And does not have an idea of the value? Is very questionable and should come under suspicion.
I'll wade in since I collect gear. You are one lucky person, all of your amps are quite collectable. However with collectable gear a large part of the selling price is dependent on the condition of the amplifiers, both cosmetic and functional, and how they have been repaired, upgraded, or modified. Without this information, no one can give you the slightest hint about the worth of your gear.