Tube Amplifier for Thiel

I recently pick up a pair of Thiel CS3.6. As like many reviews online said, they are awesome speakers. I am using Musical Fidelity A5 int amp (200wpc @4 Ohms, 400wpc @8 Ohms) to drive them. I can't say the A5 is not good, but I kind of feel it not quite musical, crispy, fast... These seem to be the strengths I found in most tube amplifiers I have auditioned before. I am thinking of replacing the A5 with a tube int amp; however, I worry that normal tube int amps are not "powerful" enough to drive the big Thiel (I am a bass lover).

I currently have Prima Luna Dialogue 2, Cayin A-100T/A-70T (and probably VTL IT-85) on my list. I would appreciate if some one could comment on these choices. I also welcome any other tube/SS int amp suggestions (even tube pre/SS power amp) in that price range.

Thank you!
Thank you all for the advice and comments. I believe I could basically rule out tube integrated amps in the equation for Thiel CS3.6.

Unfortunately, most of the great SS power amp's mentioned here are little too expensive for my pocket. I wonder if any "more affordable" tube or SS monoblocks may drive the big Thiel nicely.
My local Thiel dealer just began carrying the 300W Bob Carver tube power amps and they sound sublime.
I wonder if any "more affordable" tube or SS monoblocks may drive the big Thiel nicely.
Have you considered the Odyssey products? Their monos sounded very nice to me (driving other speakers). Carver mentioned above is another choice. Both are SS, neither is very expensive...
A friend of mine had the 3.6 and we tried a number of amps of all sorts on them (Mark Lev, Krell, you name it). The best sound we got, which was a completely different sound, was with a pair of Symphonic Line shiny mono blocks. It was an unusual sound, very ethereal, lots of high frequency detail and great coherence and, unusually for such a small-medium speaker, very good presentation of a fully blown orchestra. It was surprisingly dynamic as well! Good speaker indeed. (OK, it is actually limited at frequency extremes, but it is not annoying.)
There was a cj MF2500 (250wpc) on this site for sale a week
or so ago for like 1200.00; no affiliation I used one of
these as well to drive the 3.6's and it did a pretty good
job. You could pick up a used cj tubed pre and get some good
