Could they sell a high-end amp without the fancy

cabinetry.I'm talking about the quality of Pass, Ayre, Rowland, etc, etc. It seems when you do buy these products you are paying a lot for the packaging. Do you think someone could make an amp the quality of the above mentioned companies without the bling factor. It could sell for a lot less and create a new niche in the marketplace. If this is already being done I haven't seen it. I am talking about high-end audio not mid-fi.
My sense is that form, fitness and function need to be balanced in any engineered product. Well made components should be designed to last, and skimping on the chassis or the casing would seem counterproductive to that goal. Perhaps there are some blingy approaches that don't add real value (expensive automative paint jobs on Wilson's products?), but when I look at my Manley or Krell components, my feeling is that they got it right in providing the right balance of form factor relative to the sonic qualities delivered.
I think that was part of the approach that McCormack and Wyred4sound amongst others have taken. Whether they actually hit the mark is questionable. But, I wonder if such a product actually hit the bulls eye, would it actually get the respect it deserved, or just be dismissed as a good value overachiever? It seems as though for many, so much of this hobby is about pride of ownership.
When someone DARES to A/B the performance of a HEGEL product (or similar) with a Rowland, Burmester, etc. amp/preamp that will be a great day for the hobby. but no one wants to do it. funny how that works.