I heard Emotive bought Bob Carvers tube company

Is this true or just a rumor?
Answers to your concerns.....Yes, Emotiva has oficially purchased and now owns Bob Carver LLC.

Dealers will remain.

Bob Carver has always been involved with the company on the design front and will continue to do so. The tube company has been very sucessful.

The product line will not be "cheapened". They will continue to be designed by Bob Carver, made in the US and will not change in their design. Still all hard wired.
Their current employees/techs will remain and continue to build and service the products.

Emotiva does not want to degrade the line. The Bob Carver legend will continue and with the same level of design, craftsmanship and quality.

We have provided preamps and shown with Carver at every show they have done since the introduction of their tube line and talk to them on a regular basis which is how I know the details mentioned above. My comments above are the basic facts as I am not the one to provide inner details.
Wait...I thought providing "inner details" was what high end audio was all about?
This has been a hot topic on the audio forums for the last days.
From their facebook page:

"Bob will now be able to develop his great designs with the full engineering support of Emotiva's resources".

It should be a good thing.
Response 34, who is we? Who are you? What preamplifier are you talking about that has been shown with the VTAs?

The majority of shows posted show the VTAs being paired with Purity Audio pre's.

Bob needs engineering support from emo engineers, really? My personal experience with emo gear would prove emo engineers are the ones in dyer need of every aspect of amplifier design except how to produce stunningly inexpensive drek.

If you are affiliated with emo will they be honoring my seven year Carver LLC warrantee without slapping any emo identification on them?

Did emo assist Carver LLC employees in relocation expenses and a raise?
Response34, pardon my questions. I assumed you were from emo. Your Purity preamplifiers are very interesting.