Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
Lack of audio knowledge? Baloney. Bob Carver made his career on glorified hype with his magnetic field amp which was nothing more than a large modified block transformer. Sonic Holography? More hype. Nothing more than a phase delay circuit to create a dimensional ambiance effect. Hell, the BBE processor's do the same thing only much better. I used a BBE processor in my system in the 90's and the sonic results was superior to Carver. Carver's marketing campaign in the 80's was overkill. His ads and ad copy were so cleverly written that it came across as the most advanced products on the market. The ongoing problems with the construction quality of his components was not short term but was on going for over ten years. Magnolia repair department in the 90's informed me that Carver separates were coming in every month for repair and they had a helluva time keeping up with the volume. I will admit that Bob's Amazing Loudspeaker in 1986 was a damn good speaker. I heard a pair in a small auditorium in the 80's hooked up to a pair of 500 watt mono-blocks. Blew me away. As low priced as Emotiva product's are, their construction quality is better that the Carver junk from the 80's and 90's. Carver went out of business because Audiophiles got wise and found better results from that time period with products from Threshold, Adcom and Parasound. So now that Bob Carver is approaching 70 years of age he finally wised up and is making good product's? No thanks. I'd rather wait for Haley's Comet.
Unfortunately, you have no experience with his new amps, so no credibility calling his new gear junk. As far his old stuff goes, that's your experience. There are forums dedicated to old Carver gear, so there are a lot of satisfied customers out there. But I get it. You don't like Carver gear. No point in beating a dead horse over and over.
Who cares about his new amps. Bob Carver made his living as a flim flam man during the past forty years. I can't believe that he is referred to as a legend. Yeah, right..a legend in his own mind. And what has Bob provided to the Audio industry in all those years to be deemed a "Legend"?,
nothing. During the 70's Engineers such as Demian Martin, Nelson Pass, John Curl and John Ulrick were light years ahead of Bobby C. and were designing and producing audio components that were far superior to anything Bobby C. was putting out at that time.
Obviously enough people care about Bobs new amp that several threads were initiated here and multiple threads on other forums. And his new amp got product of the year award by TAS. You really need to pipe down. Your are so tea party, Sara Palinisk biased, you have lost your credibility. You sound like insecure teenage girl who got dissed by the high school quarter back.