Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
FYI, using the email from the Bob Carver site I requested a replacement tube on 10/7 and received a reply on 10/8.

[["All we need is a copy of your purchase order to proceed with a replacement. If you tell me a quantity you need I will try to get a price. I recommend replacing output tubes in pairs, each push pull configuration.

Vacuum Tube Amplifier Support Team"]]
Emo dumps Carver, the Carver site is down.
THAT is hilarious! I wonder if they're clawing back whatever they paid Bob, and I wonder how the Emotiva tube amps will now Carver tube amps have no support? Interesting...Absolute Sound just recommended a couple of 'em. It's a strange world.
Strange things can happen in the business/legal world. Anybody remember when Ralph temporarily lost control of his own company? I have a client that says "in a courtroom, elephants can fly".