McIntosh Vintage C22 Telefunken 12AX7 or ECC803's?

Anyone try running Telefunken ECC803's tubes in the vintage McIntosh C22 pre-amp? The C22 is currently running Telefunken 12AX7 tubes. I am curious if there is a big audio quality impact with a swap especially in the phono section; the ECC83's are super quiet hence perhaps a good match for the phono.

I currently run 801's, 802's and 803 in the MC275 and the impact is significant with the 803 contributing the most.
Consider tubes like a tone control. Whatever sounds best in your system. I do like the 803s tubes from JJ.
Are you referring to the ultra expensive NOS Telefunken 803S and not the reissues that are 803S in name only?

The true, old Telefunken 803S is, at least in my phonostage (Viva Fono) and extremely clear, detailed, dynamic, and extended range tube. It is NOT for someone looking for warm and lush. In that sense, it is like old Telefunken 12AX7, though I would say it is more dynamic and a touch more lean sounding. In my application, it is dead quiet, but, then too, the Telefunken 12AX7s that I had were also pretty quiet. The 803S has a reputation for being extremely robust and having a really long life, though I don't know if the McIntosh is hard or easy on tubes. If it is rough on tubes, I would say stay away because 803S are now VERY expensive.
Larryi,, yes I am referring to the NOS Telefunken 803s from the Ulm factory in West Germany. I agree with your assessment. I am considering the NOS 803s for the C22 but they maybe too bright. Hence why I was looking for opinions. Thanks for your post.