New Musical Fidelity M8 pre - anyone heard this

I am in the market for a new pre. I have recently listened to the ML326s, the Parasound JC2, the Pass Xp20 and the MuFi M8. Of these its between the XP20 and the M8. When I listened to the M8 with its matching M8700 amps and Dynaudio confidence speakers I found the system amazingly transparent with what i thought was more detail and information on my standard test tracks than I had heard before. But listening to the Pass with Pass xa160.5s and Wilson Sophias and comparing with the EMM Labs Pre2 the Pass also had great transparency and detail. My problem is I have not been able to compare the Pass to the M8.

So...has anyone had a good chance to listen to the M8 and if so, what do you think?

Thanks to all
just replaced my old synergistic research master coupler II on my DAC, my oyaide tunami gp on my pre, and stock power cables on the monos with wireworld platinum electras on the DAC and pre and the new series 7 electras on the monos. very significant improvement in clarity and dynamics. i did this incrementally. the platinum electas are awesome right out of the box. the electras made a difference, but more subtle.
My concern is that they're made in Taiwan. But that's the way everything's headed; Taiwan, China, and Malaysia.
I have a Musical Fidelity M8Pre driving a variety of power amps but not the matching M8700. The low output impedance of the M8Pre makes it easily compatible with most power amps and the sound quality is among the best solid state preamps I've heard. Quiet background, huge dynamic swing and lack of SS harshness are the major merits you notice immediately; lower bass seems to reach down to subsonic levels and there's a fullness to the notes especially in the bass/mid region. The music is presented as a whole and nothing sounds cardboardy or pale. Another thing to like is the very finely stepped volume control, which is very responsive at the same time.
I've had the M8 pre and monos for a bit over a year now. I continue to marvel at how good they are. I find them absolutely neutral, tremdously quiet or, because its tough to hear quiet, amazingly transparent and revealing. For the monoblocs specifically, they deliver absolute control over my Vivids seemingly without any coloration or tone. This has given me microdynamics i had previously not noticed in much of my music. Their huge power reserves allow me to go to silly SPLs without even a hint of harshness, edge, or hardness.

I am extremely pleased.
I recently acquired a Musical Fidelity M8 Pre. I find it works well in the upper and lower regions of the music spectrum, I find that it sounds flat - IE no texture - in the midrange section, somewhere along the lines of the vocals area, as if there is a veil of some sort. I suspect that maybe this is a capacitor issue???? How do others feel about this preamp?

The bass and treble area do sound fantastic as I can hear this preamp hitting highs that I could not realize with my 30 year old preamp it replaced. Its not always apparent, but from time to time, I do notice it.

However, in order to achieve such a level of improvement, one needs to spend at least 3 times as much as my previous preamp costs (at that given time vs. the cost of this new preamp) - giving my 30 year old preamp props that it punches up in weight and can still kick a-- against anything that you would find in todays best buy stores.