New Krell s550i Impressions?

Looking for information on this new Integrated. Performance, quality, concerns? Thank you in advance.
From our Dan D'Agostino and Krell distributor, but anyway at this moment are only rumours...
@ pojuojuo, well that would be a good fix for Krell!, Rumours, to bad its not a fact!, so you are saying Dan told you this?, I care less about the distributor, they are wishing!, but if this came out of Dan's mouth, that would shine a new light on the matter!, thankyou, I look forward to your response.
Audiolabyrinth- Without dan d'agostino I don't see Krell ever coming close to their former glory.
@ Brenro, Hi, I agree with your post, A year ago I might not have agreed with you, I'm wanting to read about krell's first attempt at making these down market amps that's suppose to sound better than the evo E series amps that costed alot more money than the new krell amps, It would be nice if Dan D' Agostino would make his amps more cost friendly, instead what the momentum mono and stereo amps cost, something like a stereo amp with the power of my 700cx has and cost around $18,000.00 or less. I just totally renewed the 700cx at krell beyond the 2005 specs, krell claims it's the only one out there, costed alot of money!, they used caps that was not available in 2005 amongst other tweeks, To tell you the truth, I would like my next amp to be made by Dan D' Agostino, That is the reason I modded the 700cx, It reminds me of Dans former glory days, to me it was the last high quality built stereo amp krell made with Dan!