McIntosh D100 with MC 275

Anyone heard the new D100 with an MC275? Would the sound be well short of C48/C50 ?
Aren't you over-thinking it. If you want and need the digital inputs of the d100, why should it matter if a preamp w/o them is better sounding. Seems like a digital preamp w/ a tube power amp is a great combo...and of course they are Mac.
Just got some good feedback from McIntosh. Guess the DAC in the D100 is pretty good and that is important to me.

Just want the overall sound to be good.

Bongofury - what speakers do you have?
McIntoshed paired the d100/mc275 at the 2013 ces show so they must feel this is a good combo too.

Scrool down almost to the bottom for a photo of the pair: