Pre amp for Pass Labs XA30.5 – Tube or SS

I’m updating my system from the bottom up and have settled on the Pass Labs XA30.5 for power amp. The speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3. Now I’m debating between getting a tube or solid state pre amp. Below are the ones I consider:

SS pre amps - Pass XP10, Ayre K-5xeMP

Tube pre amps – Audio Research Ref 3, LS27 used, LS 26, LS-17SE; Conrad Johnson ET-3, ET-3SE used, Premier 17; Leben pre amp.

Can you share your experience in any of these pre-amp with Pass Labs power amps? Any other SS or Tube pre amp that are worth exploring? Obviously, the Audio Research Ref 3 and LS 27 command a higher price.

I’m looking for a good synergy between pre-amp and power with correct output/input impedance matching. Music I listen include: vocal – both female and male, jazz, pop, chamber, symphony, etc. I’m looking for full-body mid, solid bass and extended treble, accurate sound stage, with a focus on vocal presentation.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
I believe the ET-5 uses one vacuum tube as well. Tone audio did a nice review of the ET-5. Basically saying it had 90% of the sound of the GAT for half the price.

One Mug

Sorry I think you have have the XA 100.5's correct? Great amps by the way. I am looking at the Pass XP-20 pre-amp or the cj ET-5 to pait with a pair of XA100.5 or 60.5's. I am sure they will both sound very good. The Pass would fit in my Rack better .

I owned the XA30.5 for a short time. Just for sale. I used it with the XP-20. I was amazed how good this combo could play togheter. I owned the XA-100.5 before. With the XP-20 had the same stunning stage. I tested some Ayre in the past. There is a big difference in depth and stage wide as well. Pass labs makes the stage wider and deeper. I would not even want a pre-amp for free when my stage would become less wide and deep. Ayre had a less deep and wide stage. For the people who want a big and deep stage this would be a no go. With Tube you also will have a wide and deep stage. Wenn you prefer a more warm sound you can choose for tube. Wenn you want more precision I would go for a XP-10.

Correct on the 100.5. I got the 30.5 first and still use it in another system from time to time.

ET-5 or XP20...that would be a tough call. Is there something in the sound of your system that you want more of (or less of)?
I need a pre-amp as I sold my Cary Tubed Integrated and it looks like I am going with either the 100.5's or 60,5's. How does the 30.5 compare to the 100.5's. I am sure the 100's are better but how much better.

I even thought of trying an XA30.5 paired with an XP-20 as my speakers Focal 1007 Monitors are pretty efficient. Although I did try an INT30A and thought it was a bit light on power but it did sound great.

Thanks Chuck