Pre amp for Pass Labs XA30.5 – Tube or SS

I’m updating my system from the bottom up and have settled on the Pass Labs XA30.5 for power amp. The speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3. Now I’m debating between getting a tube or solid state pre amp. Below are the ones I consider:

SS pre amps - Pass XP10, Ayre K-5xeMP

Tube pre amps – Audio Research Ref 3, LS27 used, LS 26, LS-17SE; Conrad Johnson ET-3, ET-3SE used, Premier 17; Leben pre amp.

Can you share your experience in any of these pre-amp with Pass Labs power amps? Any other SS or Tube pre amp that are worth exploring? Obviously, the Audio Research Ref 3 and LS 27 command a higher price.

I’m looking for a good synergy between pre-amp and power with correct output/input impedance matching. Music I listen include: vocal – both female and male, jazz, pop, chamber, symphony, etc. I’m looking for full-body mid, solid bass and extended treble, accurate sound stage, with a focus on vocal presentation.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
I've tried both SS and tube preamps with my X250.5 and I believe I prefer the solid state for the better bass quality. The x250.5 does bass so well that it's a shame to not have a preamp that can do it justice in this department. Depends on your musical preferences however.

And about speaker binding posts on the Pass Labs amps: use spades not banana plugs. Pass amps are not really designed to be used with bananas.
I owned the XP-20 for 2 years. I did a lot of tests in the last 2,5 years with Audyssey Pro. Now with a Onkyo PR-SC5509 with my way of Audyssey Pro measurement it is a lot better with my Pass Labs x250.5 in every aspect. Even wenn I play extrem loud the needle is less moving then witht the XP-20. The stage is wider and deeper. Individual focus is superior to the XP-20. articulation of voices is also superior to what I had with the XP-20. I have to admitt that my way of measurement is totally different than what Audyssey does. Without this, it would be inferior to the XP-20.
Happy Thanksgiving! I just want to report back what I settled with for pre-amp.

I picked up a Ayre K-1xe, which has a separate power supply. It's very natrual and neutral sounding pre-amp with excellent resolution and detail. Great synergy with my Pass Labs XA30.5 as well. Another advantage is that I use balanced XLR between them. Recently, I acquired a Audio Research CD7 tube CD player - a very musical and involving player indeed.

Now I'm re-discovering every and each of my CD collections. Let me tell you this - the front end, both the CD player and pre-amp made a tremendous difference in performance in my system.

Thanks for again for your input.