i hear sim audio amps are unreliable

I am wondering about the integrated amps by sim audio. I have read old post on here saying that it takes forever to get the problem fixed and that some people had trouble with sim amp after only one year and that sims didn't want to fix the problem. when your sims audio product messed up how did things go with the customer service?
Were dropping you for being unreliable and a lightweight at best.Plus your made in China which doesnt help your case.Begone,cheers,Bob
Not my experience.

I have a Simaudio W-5 amp that I bought used that was 10 yrs old. I have had it close to 2 years and keep it turned on (per factory). Not one problem Was driving Dali Mentor 8's and now SoundLabs M-1's. The original owner of SoundLabs has CAT mono blocks and was impressed with not only my W-5 but also another SoundLab owner using the same amp. It's not a CAT but it's far from bad. And there's one for sale for $2200 on the Agon right now.
I have a used Simaudio i-3 integrated. It has to be at least 10 years old, and I've had it for the last 2 years.

Interesting how people hear things differently - to me the Sim sounds the way I'd expect a class A/AB amp to sound - smooth and refined...
Xti16, fair enough on the response. The W-7 is a generation from the W-5/W-3 so it may be different. I agree with you on Burmester. I actually own the 082 Integrated amp and do not plan on making any changes for a long time.
Well...I have a well documented horror story about my hate-affair with the ''Moon Trilogy'' - meaning the Product (a Moon I-5 integrated amp) - the Dealer (name withheld - it has been awhile, but I do regret not flaming the J*rk) - and the Company - Simaudio for leaving me out to dry and a bill to pay. Never again, its been years and I never looked back.