ARC vsi75 versus ARC reference 75

It may be too early to answer this question, but any ARC dealers out there might have an opinion. I am planning my reaching 65 and not pegging out, semi retirement present. It was going to be the ARC reference 75 power amp with LS17 pre, which I heard at a small show recently. The 75 really does have something magical about it.

Now ARC are trying to make my life more complicated by bringing out an integrated based on the reference 75. I have an integrated now and would love to stick to an integrated amp, so the question is how close would they be in performance. 75 watts is more than enough to drive my 96db sensitivity Daedalus speakers. Thanks
David: Having used a variety of ARC products with my Daedalus DA-1.1's I wonder if you have considered other potentially more synergistic matches. While I have not heard the ARC Ref 75 with the LS17 (or even separately) I am familiar with their house sound which may be a bit leaner than some other similarly priced kit. I had an SP16, LS26 and 100.2, 150.2 and SD135 all rotate through my system and there are many things to love: great build quality, ergonomics, frequency extension, resolution and quiet operation. But the Modwright/Herron combo I am using now is far superior in most respects, particularly in capturing the musical energy and tonality of the event. There may be other less expensive options to consider as well, such as the Modwright integrated. If you are set on the ARC gear then I would guess that the separates will outperform the integrated but would step up the linestage to an LS 27 at a minimum--even if that meant going with a less costly amp.
Thanks guys, I know Lou at daedalus is sold on Modwright and I understand what he likes about them, but I just find the power amps a tad dry and solid state like. The ARC 75 has all the detail and dynamics, but just has more body, a fuller sound, that I like. I think I have always been sold on tubes. I will of course, try the amps out with my speakers first, but at a recent small, 4 room dealer show, I think everyone there was just entranced by what the reference 75 could do, better perhaps than the reference 150
"If you are set on the ARC gear then I would guess that the separates will outperform the integrated but would step up the linestage to an LS 27 at a minimum--even if that meant going with a less costly amp."

I agree.