ARC vsi75 versus ARC reference 75

It may be too early to answer this question, but any ARC dealers out there might have an opinion. I am planning my reaching 65 and not pegging out, semi retirement present. It was going to be the ARC reference 75 power amp with LS17 pre, which I heard at a small show recently. The 75 really does have something magical about it.

Now ARC are trying to make my life more complicated by bringing out an integrated based on the reference 75. I have an integrated now and would love to stick to an integrated amp, so the question is how close would they be in performance. 75 watts is more than enough to drive my 96db sensitivity Daedalus speakers. Thanks
Just a quick update, the Ref 75 arrived recently, just leaving the small matter of paying for it. I think it is my most expensive purchase ever. Is it worth it? Yes absolutely, I think. Still worrying about the cost.

It has real drive and crispness in the sound, a deep soundstage, detailed , without being grainy. It really is a special piece of kit, I would recommend to anyone. I have sensitive Daedalus speakers, but still, I have'nt managed to move the power meters more than a micron, yet, bags of power.

The dealer domo'd the unit with an ARC ref 3, which was very nice. I managed to pick up a self build version of the Music First Audio baby reference, for $1200 and I prefer it. So a good passive pre is a good way to go.

Thanks for your advice
great to know that you are enjoying the ARC/Daedalus combo.
Any thoughts on the how ARC Ref75 compares to SET amps(300B, 845 or similar) in terms of timber/layering/3Dness of the instruments within the soundstage?

By chance, I think I can answer that. I have used SET's for years and the 20watt Ayon Spark is my backup amp at the moment. I like it a lot, clearly and perhaps suprisingly, better, in my view, than the Viva Solista I had several years ago.

It is perhaps unfair to compare it with a power amp twice it's price, but it is clearly softer, less dynamic, with a definite loss of detail and imaging. It is a typical tube sound, very slightly warm and lacking dynamics. The ARC retains the organic tube sound, but is markedly better in imaging, detail, base, dynamics, both macro and micro. I would say soundstage depth, which I value, is about the same. The ARC for me, is hard to fault, maybe soundstage width could be better, but depth matters more to me.

Comparing with a good SS amp and Lou, the Daedalus designer, likes Modwright, I'm afraid I just don't get it. I find even good SS, which the Modwright is, grainy and unmusical. It sounds like recorded music, not music, but that's just my view and priority
Thank for the succinct comparison.
(PS:a fellow Daedalus owner here with Athena V2)
Please do update the thread after you've spent some more time with your new amp.
how does the REF75 do on image size i.e does it lean toward larger than life images or its very recording dependent?
Also do you find the front to back placement of voices/instruments layered within the soundstage?
Thanks again!