How powerful is a Wavac MD-300B

I know it is only 10 watts but when I heard its elder sibling, the EC-300B which is also rated at 10 watts, I felt that is all I would ever need. My speakers are Tannoy Turnberry SE (93db, 8 ohms).

Will the MD-300B have similar juice as the EC-300B ? I dont listen very loud and my room is also about 200 sqft but I listen to all kinds of music.
I have no experience with Wavac, but...

In a moderately sized room I had some years back, a pair of Cary 300B monos cleanly drove my (89db IIRC) Merlin VSM speakers as loud as I ever wanted to play them.

Just one more data point for you.

One other issue with Tannoy speakers and their sucess rate (or failure) with 300b SETs is that some models are easier driven and a more efficient load than others.It`s probably a mistake to assume all the Tannoys will have a similar result with the same amplifier.
Tannoy offers different designs for particular applications. I very much appreciate their offerings, the Westminster Royal SE.. WOW! Placed properly they will shine!
I have tried some 300B amps with my Tannoys in my room. The Audio Note Conquest with 18 watts (parallel single ended 300B) could easily drive it. But when we talk about only 8-10 watts I do not know yet.
It is clear that each 300B amp have different capabilities in driving a speaker, especially a real world speaker. Can the MD-300b do it ?