How powerful is a Wavac MD-300B

I know it is only 10 watts but when I heard its elder sibling, the EC-300B which is also rated at 10 watts, I felt that is all I would ever need. My speakers are Tannoy Turnberry SE (93db, 8 ohms).

Will the MD-300B have similar juice as the EC-300B ? I dont listen very loud and my room is also about 200 sqft but I listen to all kinds of music.
It is clear that each 300B amp have different capabilities in driving a speaker, especially a real world speaker. Can the MD-300b do it ?
By the way, Westminister Royal is not suppose to be an easy to drive speaker, even though it is 99db sensitive. It needs amps with very good control AFAIK.
I used an MD-300b w my Merlin VSMs in a 23 x 14 x 8' room. It was JUST beginning to run out of gas on complex music and levels that I would consider the max for me. At 4 db more efficient, I think that the Tannoys would work, assuming a relatively flat impedance w frequency plot.
There is a Wavelength Triton Signature(upgraded wire and transformers,power,output and interstage) for sale on this site.This is a very highly regarded version of this 300b SET amp!Built by Gordon Rankin and these don`t come around often.
Charles1dad, I dont want to get into something that I have never auditioned. I like Audio Note stuff and have heard them and now I love Wavac stuff having listened to them. I will rather keep it within these two brands. I removed Sophia Electric amps from my list only because of a lack of audition.