Pass Labs XP-20 or Audio Research Ref 3?

Who's compared the two in your system?
Please let me know. Thanks
Dear Peter,

I think there should be a better solution for roomacoustics. I like systems like Trinnov. It works very well. But it misses the extra dynamics and improving of resolution and articulation.

I know what it needs in my head. This is how I work. I am Always looking for that what I have in mind. And then the creation starts. When you are aware of the properties/qualities of an amp, source, cable, speaker etc. you can use them all togheter. When you don't know this, it can go in any direction. All the tests I did learned me to use the tools much better. Audio is all about the art of sound. Making the right combination.

I owned many highend stuff. I am Always focussed on creating a 3 dimensional image. My knowledge has given many people a much higher endresult in sound. These days I can even create a 3 dimensional image for less money. This makes it more affordable for much more people. I see it in there reaction, smile and feedback. In 8 days of time I have to install 3 very nice systems. These people did not know me, or I know them either. They heard sytems I sold and were amazed. Quality sells very easy. I sell sound. You will get a 3 dimensional sound at the end. I create the best endresult. This is a totally different way of what most people do in this business. I like to send clients to many shops as possible. Because this is the best way of convincing them how much lower the endresult can be. Most of all the shops and companies who work in sound and vision sell 2 dimensional sound. This makes it very easy for me to win.

With my way of measurment I even can bring down the stage to a normal height, even when the speakers are at the sealing. That is why I want to do yachts as well. Because the companies who do it. Sell 2 dimensional sound for a lot of money. I can beat these people with ease as well.

Many people spend a lot of money on sound and vision and at the end they get a very average or even poor endresult. This is the most important reason why I am still in this business.I want people to enjoy there music at the max. Because I love music. That is why I sell emotion instead of boxes. I want as many people as possible to enjoy the thing I love most; MUSIC
Bo, I was interested in what you think is a "stunning" pre amp. It is now clear that you don't really want to share your opinion. That's fine.

I'd still like to see a system description and some photographs though.
Maybe it is not there. Because there is no highend pre amp with roomcorrection in one box.

All the expensive pre amps people own here on audiogon still do not use roomcorrection. Even if you have a good acoustic room, it is till being effected by the room.

I am a perfectionist, I can hear in about 10 seconds with my own music what a set has and what is missing for what I call Total Sound. I visited many people with expensive sets. There is still missing too much.

Even a good pre amp does not solve this. I am very interested in the new Pass Labs power amps. For me Pass Labs is the most complete brand in making poweramps. In my world Pass Labs poweramps are stunning. And there pre amps are very good, but not stunning.
I have had a few people also working in audio and who do highend Audio. They were amazed what I achieved with a simple Onkyo PR-SC5509 with my way of using Audyssey Pro.

Last year I was the absolute sound on a big show. Give me a new .8 series poweramp and my pre amp, cables, source, conditioner and I can smash every set at a show. Why? Because I can let people hear new things. The level of articulation of voices is stunning.

I can get a 16 hz subwoofer fully integrated in a set of stereo speakers. And the low freq will come from the place were it was recorded. I call it Stealth inegration.

A extreme 3 dimensional image most people never heard this precise.

I also can let people hear the raw edge of a voice. So clear you understand directly why it is special.

I can use all the different parts in a set ( cables, source, conditioner, speakers and amps) more precise. Only because I use there properties. When you understand the properties you can go to a higher level in sound.

At shows often political sets are demonstrated. Seldom the properties fit well. People have to learn to look further. The same as people should work more togheter at shows. This is the only way there clients will be able to listen to a much higher endresult.

That is my main goal. For every single person who love music a much higher level in sound at home.
In many cases those who brag the most know the least.

And Bo proves this in spades.