McIntosh 452/601 to replace Pass X350.5, good?

I currently have Pass Labs X350.5, speaker is Dynaudio C4 signature.

Generally I love X350.5, doing very good job most of the time. However, it may sound veiled sometimes (usually after 3-4 hours of continuous listening ). Initially I guess it was the heat, because of too much bias, so I start to play with bias adjustment also DC offset etc, and then realized it's so difficult to deal with. Basically it's almost impossible to make bias A and B to be equal, and also the offsets will drift all the time...

I do believe this mismatch bias and drifting DC is the main course of veiled sounding, right?

Anyway, I am thinking McIntosh have an output transformer, which at least will always have 0 DC, should sound clearer? Will it be a good match for the C4 speakers?

I listen to all kinds of music, but classical symphonies is the most concerned.

Thanks for your post.
If the amp's response drifts and sounds veiled at times as you've mentioned, something might be wrong with the amp or other components. Did you have it checked? Great idea to bring in another amp to compare. What are the other devices in the system? Any tubes?
Are you saying you are adjusting the bias on the Pass amp?
Many modern solid state amps are designed to be run with the top lid on. If you're tweaking the amp with the cover off, you are probably defeating any autobias values..
Do not screw around with the offset if you don't work at Pass Labs!

They are the experts!