emotiva mono block amps any good?

interested in sound quality of emotiva mono block amps.
Emotiva...mid fi, or upper mid fi stuff, really. But yeah, good for the money. I think a lot of people are exaggerating when it comes to sound and in comparison to many high end brands. Probably because of the low price, high power, and because it's a "hot" product at the moment. Believe me, I've argued plenty with Emotiva-heads on You Tube and what not. They get quite rambunctious when you give your opinion! I got one guy, who thinks all amps sound the same, telling me Emotiva is equivalent to Pass Labs, McIntosh, and Accuphase. Ridiculous b.s., imo. One things for sure, there hasn't been a product like this that has polarized audiophiles in a long time. I guess you either love it or hate it.
And I don't think that Emotiva will wipe out or make a mockery of high end audio. People seem to think so, but I don't see any evidence, really.
Considering these maybe one day if my current amp (NAD) does not prove a good match with my OMD28 speakers.
When I first got into Hifi a few years ago I purchased the Emotiva XPA-1's.The speakers that I was using were VMPS Audio RM-40. I had the amps for about 9 months then I read a review where the reviewer was comparing them to the Pass Labs XA 30.5 and said the 30 watt little fellow blew them away in terms of sound quality. After reading that I purchased a used Pass Labs X250. When I got it I was stunned by the difference in sound. The Pass had more air around the instruments, more detail and a fluid mid-range. I would get listener fatigue with the Emotiva. I could listen to the Pass 24 hours a day. Emo is good bang for the buck and a good entry level product but if you have a highly resolving system then it is no contest. It can't compete with the big boys in terms of harmonics in my opinion.
I came across this thread a year after the fact. But here is my take after 10 months of owning the Emotiva XPR-1.
Motivation: I built a house last year and wanted a secondary system for a Home Theater application, a dedicated cinema room for the family. It was my way to listen to music in my primary music room in peace.
Opinion: I've been a hobbyist for almost 25 years, my primary music room has well over $70K worth of top brands in hi-fi world and audio royalty (Audio Research,Cary,VTL, Ayre, Theta digital,Parasound, VPI turntables, Wadia digital, Apogee, Quad, Canton Ref. speakers, Stax headphones, etc.)
Result: A few months after I installed the HT system, my family and friends were telling me how fantastic the home theater sounds (none are audiophiles) so i began to audition the system for music and I now completely agree with their instinctive assessment. The Emotiva big amps impressed me so much that I replaced my Anthem amp with Emotiva 3 channel amp for the surround sound!
Normally, I would not have considered such low cost gear as a serious contender for high fidelity sound, however, I'd say these amplifiers are as musically satisfying as any other top gear I have had the pleasure to own in my systems.
The good news is that the music reproduction technology has now evolve to a point that the budget gear can and do sound awesome. I was contemplating upgrading my Totem speakers however, the music reproduction is now so perfectly sublime that I don't want to risk interrupting the balance of the system. BTW, by elevating the Emotiva mono amps I'm by no means diminishing the quality of the top amplifiers but emphasizing the value proposition of Emotiva.
I admit, I've never been part of the crowd who believes there is a "ghost in the machine" that alters reality, or an audio jewelry enthusiast; but I'm someone who has been committed to supporting excellence in music reproduction.
There are drawbacks to the XPR-1, the mono amp's enclosure has an inferior and substandard quality. Every expense Has Been spared to make them as cheap as possible. I'd have been perfectly happy to drop an extra grand or two for better aesthetics. All in all I highly recommend these mono amplifiers.

Music is the answer,

My HT Gear:
Pre/pro: Krell S1200
Oppo BDP 105
Emotiva XPR-1 mono
Originally Anthem MCA30 and later replaced by Emotiva XPA-3 multi-channel!
Apple TV/laptop music server
Totem Forest and Totem surround speakers, plus Velodyne 15" subwoofer
Richard Gray 1200 Power Conditioner
Dedicated 20 AMP line into the home theater
Over $2k worth of interconnect cables/wires