Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
Germanboxers uses this amplifier with his Zu DEF IV. Send him an audiogon email for his thoughts.He`s a very experienced listener.

I run a pair of Zu Audio Essences with my Manley 300b amplifiers. I run my amps single ended, meaning they put out 11 watts. The Essences are not as efficient as the Druids, still, the Manley amps drive them with gusto. You should not have any problem driving the Druids with the Frankensteins. You should be able to listen at your preferred volume levels and still have plenty of headroom left.

I don't know if you have considered this, but I strongly suggest you acquire a Zu subwoofer with the Druids. I use a Zu Mini-Method with my Essence speakers. Zu subs are lightning quick and integrate seamlessly with speakers. My Mini-Method sub is an integral part of the system. It is key in delivering a full spectrum presentation of the acoustic image. I could not live without it.
With your speakers and listening levels you`ll hardly use more than one watt and very often much less power with these high sensitivity Zu Druids. My speaker is 94 db sensitive(less sensitive than yours) and volume,scale and driver control are not an issue with the Frankenstein(and I came from using a 100 watt PP tube amp).This 8 watt SET has excellent transformers and power supply design.
Thanks Charles and Iramirez.
Yes, I use a Undertone sub and the pairing is excellent. IMHO, the sub is almost mandatory. The deep bass of course is better, more importantly the tonal balance is fuller and more fleshed out. The soundstage also opens up nicely and the sound is effortless.

I'm using a First Watt J2 amp which sounds wonderful. I love female vocals and I am hoping the 300b amps will give me that spooky real palability.

Thanks for reassuring me they will drive my speakers with aplomb.
Charles, if I decide to purchase them be prepared for me picking your brain and which 300b to use. ;)

Hi Joe,
I`ll be glad to share my 300b tube rolling experiences with you. I`ve had the good opprotunity to hear a fair number of them.The Frankenstein is exceptionally revealing and exposes the differences quite easily.Although it is full body,natural toned and open,its not a warmish,dark or colored SET amp at all.