Anthem AV receiver better than Denon as a preamp

I asked this question in a previous thread and it turned into a bit of a gongshow, so I am going to try it again, but ask a very specific question this time.

Once again, I NEED to utilize an AV receiver in my setup. I have a 3 channel Bryston 5Bst amp utilized through the preamp outs on my Denon 2808ci to power my front L front R and center. The AVR powers the rears and a second zone (my patio).
I am not in love with how my Denon performs as a pre for music ( but a separate 2 channel pre is not an option for many reasons..respectfully, please don't suggest). I am currently looking at the Anthem MRX line of AV receivers.
Does anyone have any experience using these ? Would this provide me a significant enough improvement over my Denon when using as a preamp (and powering my rears and 2nd zone)?
Thank you but as I stated in the rigianl post, I am looking specifically at AV receivers. This went off the rails in the previous thread and I tried to make it quite clear what I was looking for and asking about.

Not really interested in Emotiva...the Anthem has what I need as specified in the post (power to run rear channels AND a second zone).
And I certainly don't need another amp. I have the Bryston which is generally considered a world class amp.
I for one am not a fan of Denon receivers at least for stereo listening. Can't imagine the preamp section alone is anything special either. I'd be very surprised if the Anthem wasn't a meaningful step up. Any way for you to demo one at home?
Anthem sounds alot better than any denon receiver regardless of price. I use to own two different "flagship" receivers from denon and the anthem sound wise is a clear winner . All 3 of anthems receivers will sound the same used as a pre. since you do not need amplification the smallest model will work . Only benefit of going with the middle or top model is bigger amp power and the internet streaming capabilities .
Take a look at Kal Rubinson's reveiew of the MRX 700 in Stereophile if you have not already He even tried it with a Bryston amp. He throught the MRX 700 amps sounded almost as good as the Bryston so the theater match should be good. And he very much liked the 2 channel sound. He is one reviewer I trust.