Anthem AV receiver better than Denon as a preamp

I asked this question in a previous thread and it turned into a bit of a gongshow, so I am going to try it again, but ask a very specific question this time.

Once again, I NEED to utilize an AV receiver in my setup. I have a 3 channel Bryston 5Bst amp utilized through the preamp outs on my Denon 2808ci to power my front L front R and center. The AVR powers the rears and a second zone (my patio).
I am not in love with how my Denon performs as a pre for music ( but a separate 2 channel pre is not an option for many reasons..respectfully, please don't suggest). I am currently looking at the Anthem MRX line of AV receivers.
Does anyone have any experience using these ? Would this provide me a significant enough improvement over my Denon when using as a preamp (and powering my rears and 2nd zone)?
I am going to stick by my NAD AVR suggestion in the other thread. I am completely amazed daily how well my older NAD T773 receiver and T175HD pre/pro handle 2-channel music. Get the 2nd from top T775HD or T775HD2 and don't look back. I have had zero reliablity issues with either of my NAD's and they sure create a very distinct 3-dimensional stage in my room.

Don't know what your budget is but here is a link.

Odd about the Anthem. I hear good things and the Stereophile review is great, but paraneer say it is no better than the Denon. Not sure what to think.
Would love the Arcam, but may be a bit out of my budget. Also regarding NAD, great stuff, but they have just had so many reliability issues I am leary. Especially when buying used like I am looking to do to keep it afforadable (for example, the Anthem MRX 500 is $1500 new, but I can get used locally for $750). Would like to keep it under $1200
Paraneer...will the Arcam AVR360 give me the same performance as the 400 just will a little less power and features ? Or is it a different pre section all together ?
I think what you are hearing is that the good receivers may be 10% or 20% different, but a lot of that is in the amps, not the preamps. You are probably not going to see a huge difference in the 2 channel pre-amp performance from most of the good ones. What differences you hear will probably be as much personal taste as anyting. Anthem, Arcam, NAD and maybe Marantz are probably the options. The best thing to do is try to get a local trial, if possible. If you can get the Anthem locally at a good price, you should be able to get a trial. If not possible, maybe try the NAD from Spirit Sound with a 30 day return (I think they have a 30 day return). Or some other brand if you can find a 30 day return. That will probably give you an idea of whether you hear enough difference to be worth it. I doubt you are going to get any definitive answer without listening.
Don't take my opinion about Anthems as gospel Dallyd. Most here seem to like them. I have heard the MRX line in 2 channel mode with no processing and simply wasn't impressed. They reminded me of mainstream AVR's I had before I bought a separate 2 channel preamp with HT bypass. Thats why I equate them to Denon and suggested you might as well keep what you have.

I have heard the Arcam 400 & 600 in 2 channel mode on numerous occasions and thought they were much better. If I was in need of a do it all AVR, especially for 2 channel, these Arcams are the way I would lean. WRT the 360, can't say - never heard it and I won't comment either way on a product I never auditioned. I would suggest that you check out its specs, compare it to the 400 & 600 and go out and audition it.

But you seem to leaning toward Anthem so perhaps you should just go for it. Maybe you can get a trial. In the final analysis, its your system and you have to discover what sounds best to you. Not by asking us - you'll get different opinions like mine. To my ears, I simply cannot reaffirm your leaning toward Anthem. Best of luck to you in whatever you do and I hope you find the sound you are looking for in an AVR.