Which would be a better surround processor.

I am going to refigure my older system with some newer equipment ,I have had a 15 year acurus act 3 that I have not played for a while, due to some hearing issues but am going to get back into home theater again. I recently aquired a rotel 1068 and wondering which one would be better just for sound quality and decoding in surround.
Sorry it took so long for a thank you response. I have decided to go with my rotel 7.1 and buy a oppo 103 and use cables to my processor since it does not have hdmi. I will only be using this for home theater use.
@Wynnroulette, you may very well find the analogue in the Rotel better than the 103 and just feed the HDMI from the oppo to tv. I found the analogue far better in my Emotiva UMC-200 than the Oppo 105. Increased dynamics, more neutral highs, and a layed back sound - meaning not forward sounding.
"I found the analogue far better in my Emotiva UMC-200 than the Oppo 105. Increased dynamics, more neutral highs, and a layed back sound - meaning not forward sounding." Bacardi sure is pushing this hard. I must have read this on a half dozen posts at various sites.

@Dbphd, I am making it obvious as to my opinion that for a $1300 + dollar BDP-universal player, the $600 dollar Emotiva UMC-200 has far better sound quality in the analogue department. It is what it is.....some good friends with real revealing systems have said the same.
Please don't take this the wrong way..but Dolby Dig, DTS, Dolby HD and DTS Master audio (multi channel, 2 ch, or otherwise), are dynamically no match through the analog outputs of the Oppo vs a quality outboard Digital processor! Simply lose dynamics, slam and inpact by ditching the outboard processing! Call it the addition gain from the pre-pro, better output from the analog connections, whatever. Either way, If I could get away from my receiver or pre/pro for blu-ray movies, I would!
I simply don't know what some of these audiophile purists are thinking, but it must be that they feel they get some added air, or transparency to certain aspects of the sound. But, beyond that, it's not the last word, by any means, going analog out of the disc player, and ditching the external processing (instead of the internal in the Blu-ray player, analog out to some amplifier)!
I dare anyone to compare even standad Dolby Digital out of their oppo, vs the dynamics and slam this gentleman got going through the Acurus Act 3!
I used to own the Act 3, and there was nothing (and I do mean NOTHING) that trumped the dynamics and impact that came from that piece! And I tried plenty of DVD player's direct analog outputs, as well as Kell HTS, Aragon Soundstage, Macintosh MC130, and others. The Act 3 was a dynamics champ!
Anyway, yes, I ultimately ended up ditching the Act 3 (upgraded to 7.1, mind you) cuase I knew Master audio was coming. The rotel stuff was also actually pretty strong dynamics-wise. But I liked the neutral, more musical sound of the Acurus. Not last word in detail and refinement, by any means, but a way overachiever for the $2k new.
Unfortnately, there's no EQ, no updated codecs, no HDMI, video scaling, etc, in those units. So you just gotta move in, me thinks.