Replacement for Maggie's?

So I have been thrilled with my magnepan 1.6's to the point that I have upgraded every component to the point that even the power conditioner costs more than the speakers. My question as the headline suggests is that where do I go from here for speakers? I love the Maggie sound for its wonderful depth, life like size, and soundstage. Dislike its lack of bass. The rest of my gear consists of Ayre C5xeMP, Ayre K5xe soon to be MP, Pass Labs X250, APC S15, Grover Huffman XLR's, Signal Cable bi wired speaker cables. Thanks
Harri, I just looked at the pictures on your System. Unless you are a HUGE fan of "2001, A Space Odyssey", I suspect your wife would be more accepting of Maggies if they were not black. So I hope the 3.6s you have lined up are beige or off-white. I expect that may go a long way for finding peace in your home.

And fyi, I have read a couple of comments on direct comparisons (Gunn's site?) between stock and Gunned models. They are very similar to comments of those waiting a few weeks for their modded speakers to be returned.
Pryso, they are white with dark cherry. She did comment that the black didn't draw as much attention to itself so she liked the all black better. lol
I would look into some Legacy Focus HD's used! For around or under your $5k price point. Ive seen them as low as 4k. I sold my Focus 20/20's for $2500 3 years ago, and never enjoyed a speaker more. The newer models are more extended and have "better" components inside.

I would at least try and listen to a pair.
Emerald Physics CS2P's or any of the used CS3s, CS2.3s etc. Same 'type' sound as Maggies (Musical, open, etc) but with MUCH better bass and dynamics.
Harri - I think the black sock with Cherry sides is the nicest look. Why not just replace the sock on them and please your wife while you are at it?