Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

The S5's are not brittle .....the Q series is more detailed and can be more analytical if not paired with the proper amp.Most people are thinking of these I believe.

The S5 is more warm sounding to begin with. The S5 should be used with warm SS or powerful is more forgiving than the Q series....completely different. Great imaging, very holographic, and detailed with my Ayon Triton 2 amp.
Just heard the Magico S5 and S1 combined by a relatively modest set of Audio Research SP17 and DS450 with a Moon cd-player.
Cabling Shunyata Anaconda Z-tron.
I found the S5 very relaxed, transparent and detailed which gives a natural feeling of just listening to a real instrument, eg on cello, violin. Lows were just too powerful with this combination, upgrading the amplification should be resolving this and the speaker already shows its great potential.
Overall I found S5 very pleasing and musical without fatique for the ear and no issues with brittle sound.
Did not heard the Tannoy.

About the looks: from just ugly (Tannoy) to excellent (Magico).
Your mileage will vary of course.
I have never really "got" magico at all, having heard various iterations at a number of shows. I went to a store demo of Devaliet amps, which had the D Premier and S5, this week. Now I get it, really delightful balanced sound, detailed without edge or grit, great soundstage.

Perhaps Magico fall into the same category as I would put Wilson, excellent, but difficult to match with the right electronics.

If it was me, I would still go Tannoy, for looks if nothing else. That is'nt mentioned much, but a speaker pair is a big piece of furniture you will be stuck facing for some years, hopefully, so looks do count. Again like Wilson, I find Magico have a look, only a mother could love, to put it politely
Did anyone drop this link yet?

These two speakers seem to operate under two different paradigms. The Tannoy is the Power paradigm, the Magico on the Voltage Paradigm. So you will need different amplifiers to show either one off properly (although my IME you will have a better change of getting the Tannoy to sound like real music- see the article for why).
Why are folks still responding to a thread where the OP said he was purchasing the week of April 15th and has disappeared since.