want to hook up 2 spkrs for each left and right.

My sherbourn amp will drive 4 ohm speakers. I have an extra pair of Definitive Mythos 2 speakers. I would like to run 2 of them for the left and 2for the right. What is the safest way to hook them up. Each spkr is 8 ohms. Series or parallel? Thanks. Greg
Um... Don't, but if you do, the safest way to run them would be in parallel. In series would drop the nominal impedance down to 4 ohms and I would imagine dips into the 2 ohm or less range which could harm your amp.

If you have a preamp out, take the signal from the preamp out to a second integrated amplifier and hook your Mythos speakers to that integrated. This way, there is no extra load on your initial amp, there will be no impedance issues at all, and BEST of all, you can control the volume of your second speakers relative to you main speakers which is ABSOLUTELY critical to the quality of the listening experience.

This is what I do exactly and the 4-speaker 2-channel set up is a monster improvement over the two speaker 2-channel set up --- but you need differential volume control to do it right... so you need a second integrated amp.
Wiring speakers in series is the safer way not parallel. If wired in series it would double the impedance.If wired parallel it would cut it in half.
This is for a larger presence for the theater. It will not be used for music. My other system is for music.
Yogiboy is correct.

It should be mentioned for the record, though, that series connection will not generally give good sonic results if the speakers are not identical or very similar models. The reason being that the frequency response of each speaker in a series configuration will be affected by the impedance vs. frequency characteristics of the other speaker.

Also, regardless of which connection arrangement is used, if the two speakers in each channel are at significantly different distances from the listening position, comb filtering effects will occur, which are likely to have adverse sonic effects. That may not be important for your HT purposes, though.

-- Al