"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"

I'd appreciate some advice from those experienced with great speakers. I'm hoping that this thread will be valuable to lots of others, as well.

On to my question: What are the best value speakers you can buy on the used market in the $5k-$10k price range? I think it's time to get into something world-class for music, and I've found that in each area of life or hobby, there are gems available that might not carry the most popular brand name - or be the latest fashion - but that do deliver the best performance for the money.

I'd appreciate recommendations from any resident speaker gurus. Thank you!
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I would go for Revel STUDIO or SALON 1. Hence its 1 not 2...and get a used OLD KRELL that were made By Dan D agostino
I was on a Taves show and heard Montis setup by ML people. I do not remember the amplifier in the setup but the sound was so dry that I left the room running. Before I run out I asked for the Montis price and they told me $11k. That is a shame since few years earlier I've heard ML Source at a dealer's setup with Parasound A23 which sounded much, much better than this Montis?!
Anyone have any thoughts on Avalon Idea Speakers? They run around $8,000 new. My dealer is suggesting these might be our "retirement" speakers. They would be paired with Ayre 7xe integrated amp. Has anyone heard these?