Which REL sub, R528 or B2

I'm planning to buy a REL subwoofer. It will be used in audio system mainly, but also in HT from time to time. I listen to jazz, vocals, occasionally rock. It will support Dynaudio C1. I'm considering the new R528 or B2 ( can get them at roughly the same price).
The new 528 looks better but is it as good as B2?
Case reopened. My main speakers (Silverline Preludes) get thin around 50 and thinner around 40 (ignore the specs for these...they're kind of silly), so the REL sits at 50 ish with frequent level adjustments (a "chicken head" knob allows easy gain changes) relative to source material. It does "charge the room" though, so everything sounds better all the time. Building your own cable is easy and the angled Neutrik Speakons are great and sit better. Another note for naysayers...in the March issue of Hi-Fi + a reviewer (Alan Sircom) says about the REL R-528SE, "Rel subs are always fast - it's one of the reason they consistently score well in hi-fi magazines, they are some of the only bass bringers that can keep up with snappy little sealed box speakers with ultralight 100mm mid-woofers." He's just another dude...but still...
I currently use a REL T5. It can keep up with my Sonus Faber Guarneri
Hommage's! IMHO, any sub that can keep up with these speakers is anything
BUT slow!!
The set-up of a sub- and REL is no exception, is crucial in this regard, wrong
set-up and the results will be a mis-match with the sat's....leading to the
impression of a "slow" sub. Subs are NOT 'plug and play', particularly
when you are trying to get the blend with a quick mini to be seamless. IMHO.
YEAH! So now the "Fast REL" contingent is leading in the total point score...this could be a win.
My REL T-1 has no problems keeping up with the 7" woofers in my Vienna Bach Grands. I have always found REL's to be extremely fast subs!
These days I use my Monitor Audio PLW-15 from 16hz till 140hz. I does this with ease. Above 80hz low freq will become touchable. Voices and instruments become better focussed and still have the same proportion. My clients call it vodoo. Because the are amazed about the speed and that the all say; we can't hear a sub at all. Wenn you compare the speed of this one with the G1. You understand speed a lot better. I sold Rel for a very long time. After you heard others and compare them, you understand time and technique change fast. And these days there are subwoofers who are superior in speed. That is why I am not that interested in Rel like in the past. I want my clients to get the best for there money. Why you want a B wenn you can get an A for the same money. Just open your eyes, or should I say your ears!!