Which REL sub, R528 or B2

I'm planning to buy a REL subwoofer. It will be used in audio system mainly, but also in HT from time to time. I listen to jazz, vocals, occasionally rock. It will support Dynaudio C1. I'm considering the new R528 or B2 ( can get them at roughly the same price).
The new 528 looks better but is it as good as B2?
Bo1972, you are kidding, right? you must be kidding, just having a good time on Audiogon. Somehow I recalled Forest Gump...
I have the Signal Neutrik cable and it really made the bass more defined with more extension. Just have to get a new power cord, any suggesions?
I has nothing to do with what I sell. I have possibility to test and compare. This is what I like to do. I always like the things which are the best in a price range. Name of the brand I really don't care. I want the best for the bucks. I hope people will open there eyes (ears) and try more different brands before buying it. In America there are even more brands in audio than overhere in europe. So more options, I would say; use them!