Is the Harbeth M30.1 an upgrade from the C7ES?

I have the Harbeth C7ES which sound great to me. But there are comments that the M30.1 is a worthwhile upgrade to the C7ES. Your comments, please.
I made the change from C7es3 t0 M30.1 and for me the change was a significant upgrade. I posted my thoughts at the Harbeth forums in this thread. - which you may have already seen(?).

In a nutshell these are my thoughts. The C7es3 is a very good speaker in its own right, but the M30.1 is simply better. The 30.1 offers much more refinement, delicacy and purity in the treble ranges. This is immediately obvious.
Perhaps partly due to the tweeter used, the 30.1 plays with less strain on loud passages and sounds more dynamic. It also sounds tauter and faster on the bottom - more startle factor - and truer and more authentic through the midrange. There is greater tonal density and solidity to images. It presents a more exact and spacious soundstage.
Most importantly it sounds more like real music to me.

Whether the attributes of the 30.1 are worth the cost is a decision only the potential purchaser can make. I'm aware that the 30.1 is quite expensive in the US and there are many choices at its price point. Listen for yourself and then decide.
Tobes~ Wondering if you ever tried the Harbeth Super HL5? I've been considering simplifying my system and have been wondering about them. At some point I'll go out to hear them for myself but in the mean time looking for opinions...
Why would you sell your C7es3 at discount, pay m30.1 in full and yet not much of an upgrade?
It would be helpful to know what aspects of the C7 you find lacking or would like to improve upon. I owned the C7 for many years and have heard the 30.1's. Relatively speaking, they are very similar sounding speakers (though I agree with the distinctions made by Tobes if not the degree of difference he describes). I would say if you like the C7 then you like the Harbeth sound so look to move up the line rather than laterally--M40.1 or SHL-5 depending on your room. If you like aspects of the Harbeth sound (i.e. great midrange, vocal reproduction) but want more (i.e. dynamics, resolution, treble extension, imaging, etc.) then see what else is out there that might strike your fancy. To me, going from the C7 to the 30.1 doesn't really get you all that much for your money (unless you can find a used pair a few years from now when the excitement has quieted down). Just my two cents....