Shootout: Raidho C3.1 vs Vivid Giya 2

Similar specs, similar cost, which would you buy?
And just because you can't sell a pair of speakers to this particular gentleman in Singapore doesn't mean you can't benefit from the free advertisement your posts afford.
Agree with Swamp and Shakey but at least he didn't post under his non-commercial moniker, audiofreakgeek, which is generally used to hide his dealer identity.
Free advertising under the guise of 'helping' potential customers when a phone conversation would be more appropriate seems to be more prevalent when speakers are involved.
I don't mind dealers or manufacturers posting, in fact I welcome it, but that should always be disclosed up front, esp. if you are weighing w an opinion about a product you sell vs. one you don't.
Why? Who cares! One should practice CAVEAT EMPTOR to ALL posts. Who knows who is behind the monitor and on the keyboard.
I listened to both again yesterday, although in different systems. With the caveat that I recognize that my perception of differences may have more to do with associated electronics and cabling than the speakers themselves my impressions are:

-- These are both great speakers and its a tough fight between the two.

-- The Vivid's struck me again as slightly punchier, especially in the low bass, and more transparent. However this came at the cost of the Vivid's sounding a bit edgier at times.

-- The Raidhos are also very transparent, but a bit smoother than the Vivids, without being warm. I am surprised by how much bass those tiny drivers produce, but it seemed to me just a hair less composed and tight than the Vivids.

-- The Vivids seem easier to position. The Raidhos seem to need to be close to walls and have lots of toe-in.

-- The Raidhos are much easier on the eye than the Vivids. Some may well like the look of the Vivids, but I dare say most will prefer the Raidhos by far.

Now...which to buy...tough...