Harbeth Owners which model?

I am looking to buy either a M30.1, SHL5, or M40.1. I owned a SHL5 in the past for about 3 years and totally enjoyed it and have regretted ever selling them. Since I sold the SHL5's a few years ago Harbeth has come out with the M30.1 and I wanted any feedback from anyone who has compared the 5's vs. 30.1? Anyone sell their 5's for the 30.1 and why? Lastly I am also interested in the 40.1's my room is 18 x 14 is that big enough to handle the 40.1?
I haven't heard the other speakers but I own the 30.1. It is very far from being a "rock n roll" speaker, if you're into that kind of music, the bigger models are probably much better choises. However, if you mainly listens to acoustic music with lots of vocals, the 30.1's are probably tough to beat by any other speaker model or brand.
Am also considering Harbeth for my 2nd system. But try to listen to Tannoy Turnberry SE. You will never forget the sound.
Egoben & Aprica88,

Thanks for your responses. I mostly listen to acoustic music and a lot of female vocals. So the 30.1 would be
ideal for my listening. I have never heard Tannoy's but I am going to make a point to find a dealer carries them.

Anyone compare the 30.1 with the 40.1 or shl5?
Hi Bob,

I am very familiar with the 30.1s. For acoustic music and female vocals, they are enchanting! I'll be at the Newport Beach Show next week and we'll have the SHL5's in our room - so I'll have a few days to get very familiar with them and compare to the 30.1s

Best regards,

I've owned and used the 40.1s in an 18 X 14 room. Also used the SHL5s with REL subs in the same room. Had trouble with getting the bass to sound connected to the rest of the speakers with three different (very good) amps and the 40.1s. In the end sold them. I preferred the shl5s with subs to the 40.1s. Have listened to the 30.1s for a couple of hours over two visits. I think them with subs they would be the best of the three choices, based on what I heard, and owning the other two harbeths your thinking about.